Favorite diet

Slender girl who has been on a diet for 7 days My dear

Your favorite diet will replace your drinking days with a monodiet one day, when you can only consume one type of product.

The point of the diet is that a sharp transition from one product to a drink will be unexpected for the body. As a result of such a "shock", metabolic processes intensify, the body loses weight. Suppose you ate steamed vegetables yesterday, and today you are eating only. The result is the intense consumption of fat reserves that have accumulated during the period of irregular diet, sometimes too abundantly and with undesirable consequences.

My favorite diet includes a fairly wide range of products. In addition, they can be selected according to personal preferences. The 7-day favorite diet has important benefits. It refers to a fairly balanced diet. But even a small and short-term imbalance can have undesirable consequences: deterioration of the state of the nervous system, less attractive appearance (pale hair, brittle nails, unhealthy complexion).

Favorite menu for your favorite diet

My favorite diet is to drink exclusively every odd day of the week. Kefir or yogurt, juices, tea, chicken fillet broth - the choice is up to you. Thanks to the large amount of fluid, not only does weight loss occur, but the toxins are also cleared.

  1. monday -Drinking day. You can drink kefir as well as warm broth, preferably unsalted.

  2. Tuesday -Vegetable Day. The menu includes all vegetable salads, with the mandatory presence of cabbage and celery. Dressing - vegetable oil with balsamic vinegar.

    • Breakfast - cabbage and tomato salad (2 pieces) with herbs.
    • Lunch - cucumber and broccoli salad with celery and parsley.
    • Snack - two bell peppers.
    • Dinner - tomato salad with white cabbage and bell peppers with herbs.
  3. Wednesday -Drinking day. You can repeat the first day's menu or change your drinking diet.

    • Breakfast - tea (150 ml) and smoothie (150 ml).
    • Lunch - chicken broth (200 ml).
    • Snack - fat-free kefir.
    • Dinner is a glass of milk.
  4. Thursday- Fruit Day. The menu includes apples, pears, quinces and citrus fruits. Bananas and grapes are not allowed.

    • Breakfast - 1 grapefruit, 1 orange.
    • Lunch - fruit salad of apples, pears and oranges. You can add a little ginger.
    • Snack - baked apples (2 pcs)
    • Dinner - grapefruit (2 pcs)
  5. Friday -Protein day. On this day, the body becomes saturated with protein. The menu includes chicken, fish, eggs, beans, peas, seafood, kefir.

    • Breakfast - 200 g of boiled fish and 2 eggs.
    • Lunch - 120 g of boiled beans and a piece of boiled chicken (200 g).
    • Snack - smoothie.
    • Dinner is a glass of milk.
  6. Saturday -Drinking day. You can follow the menu for the first or third day of the diet.

  7. 7 days- final.

    Fruit and vegetable day. In addition, the menu should include the vegetables and fruits you consumed at the beginning of the diet program. In fact, this is the day - it prevents you from phasing out your diet. At this stage, your favorite diet allows you to include a light vegetable or cereal soup or porridge in your diet.

    • Breakfast - green tea, 2 eggs.
    • Lunch - buckwheat soup - 300 ml.
    • Snack - an apple or grapefruit.
    • Dinner salad from any vegetable with herbs and added vegetable oil.

How to get out of your favorite diet?

My favorite diet is pretty tough. Therefore, the greatest attention should be paid to the right way out. Otherwise, if we return sharply to our usual eating style, the pounds will return pretty quickly. To avoid this, you should follow simple rules:

  • you should only eat low-calorie foods during the first month to be as close as possible to the physiological rhythm your body has tuned to during the last diet;
  • reject or minimize sweet pastries, smoked meats, fatty, fried and starchy foods;
  • daily walking and light physical activity are recommended;

Important:Your favorite diet can be reapplied after three months at the earliest.

7 days or 12?

If the diet is fairly easily tolerated, you can use the 12-day option. The nutrition program consists of one-day monodiets, alternating with drinking days. So on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, drink as much yoghurt or kefir as you see fit. Be sure to drink plain water. Fruit day on Thursday, protein day on Friday (we eat plenty of chicken breast), drinking day again on Saturday.

Days 7, 8 and 9 are protein day. You can eat cooked fish or chicken breast.

The last three days, 10 a. m. to 12 p. m. , do not fit into your usual schedule. A glass of wine is allowed throughout the day. A small sip of wine should be eaten with a piece of cheese (30 g).


Favorite Diet, like many other dietary nutrition programs, is not for everyone. Above all, those suffering from diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, cardiological problems, diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract should refuse.

Your favorite diet is completely incompatible with the period of pregnancy and feeding your baby.